Ramadan Mubarak!

With the birth of the ninth new moon of the Hijri calendar, we are blessed to enter the month of Ramadan.

May we all experience revelation and transformation that puts us into an unshakeable awareness of our origin and ultimate destiny with God Most High.

There will be no blog posts or announcements the duration of the lunar month, so here’s what you need to know!

We’ve got two events with available spots: a weekend kayak-camping trip in May and a week-long family road caravan in July. Both excellent Eid gifts, by the way!

The Dust and Tribe Discord is up and running and it’s a great place to connect with other men and women who recognize the centrality of wilderness in religious life. If you’re in any of our WhatsApp groups, these will be sunset at the conclusion of Ramadan.

We’re in the planning stages of a number of very exciting trips, insha Allah. If you’re reading this on mobile, scroll to the bottom and get on our mailing list to stay in the loop. And if you’re on a computer, check the top of the right sidebar.

We look forward to being in touch, God willing.

Leave a comment below for posterity or join us in the D&T Chautaqua Discord to discuss this post with other adventurous spirits from around the world.

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