We are Muslim outdoor enthusiasts who see wild places as the principle teachers of humanity in the post-prophetic age.

In His final revelation, the Holy Qur’an, God swears by the sun and the moon, the fig and the olive, the earth and the sky, inviting us to explore and discover the lessons imbued within all of creation.

We eschew social media. We are not interested in capitalist ideas of unchecked growth. A portion of our profit-sharing revenue model is committed to our local indigenous #landback initiative.

What you can expect:

  • No drugs, alcohol, or pork
  • Halal food (when provided) and modest dress
  • Daily prayers encouraged
  • Guided adventure and intentional reflection

What you should not expect:

  • Judgement
  • Lectures

Ahmed Pierstorff (Chief Elder)

Muslim outdoor enthusiasts

Born and raised in Southern California, Ahmed has been calling others into the wild for nearly 30 years, though only formally through the work of Dust and Tribe since 2012. A registered nurse trained in psychiatry, addiction medicine, end-of-life care, chronic disease management, and wilderness first aid, he came late to outdoor recreation. His first opportunities to camp and hike weren’t until his early 20s, but these experiences were revelatory and profoundly healing.

Ahmed lives on the D&T Camp One Homestead in Placerville, CA with his wife and co-facilitator Aisha Al-Hommoud where he raises goats and writes about being outside.

Luke Frobase (Lead Facilitator and Media Manager)

Muslim outdoor enthusiasts

An Eagle Scout from Pennsylvania, Luke has spent virtually his entire life outside. Raised to respect the wilderness and himself, Luke came to Islam through the ethics of scouting, skateboarding, straight-edge punk rock, and the courtship of a Muslim woman. Luke studies film and is both an accomplished photographer and videographer with a passion for storytelling. He supports the work of Dust and Tribe through adventure facilitation and visual documentation.

Luke lives with his wife and wilderness docent Andrea Guaschino on the D&T Camp One Homestead in Placerville, CA.